Thank you for submitting a reference survey!

Bring better, faster hiring to your organization with Searchlight

Automate away tedious reference checks, and tap into bias-free AI to find and hire top performers for your team.

Join the many leaders already using Searchlight References!

"We’re bringing better people into our company using Searchlight by screening for critical soft skills. When looking at talent that was hired with Searchlight vs. talent that wasn’t hired through Searchlight, the teams that hire with Searchlight have better quality of hire."

Daisy Chu

Head of People Operations @ Doximity

"We grew from a team of 50 to 200+ with Searchlight. Searchlight reference checks are our ticket to hiring an all-star team. I love Searchlight for the hiring efficiencies, and also because their data is so powerful. Searchlight tells us how this person will be at the job in a much more predictive way than an interview can."

Natalie Gavello Disraeli

Head of Talent @ Persona

"Searchlight helps me see blindspots. We use Searchlight not only to streamline our hiring, but also to customize launch plans to focus on growth areas. Doing this across the board led to low turnover rates and higher Quality of Hire. After sharing Searchlight data with the CTO, Head of Product, Head of Sales we expanded the usage of Searchlight across the business.”

Adrian Russo

VP, Talent Acquisition @ Swish Analytics

“[Searchlight References] provide some of the most predictive information we can get in the hiring process. Before Searchlight, I thought the only way to get this data was through interviews and by doing the reference calls myself. Now my whole executive team knows that Searchlight’s reference data is superior to what we used to get.

Kenny Mendes

Chief Operating Officer @ Coda

How Searchlight works

One click to invite your candidates

Invite candidates from your ATS, or directly in Searchlight with their emails. On average, you'll get 3 reference checks done in 36 hours.

reference checks in

Candidates accept their invite

To start the Searchlight process, candidates add their prior work experiences.

NPS Score

Candidates add reference information and Searchlight handles the rest

Searchlight handles sending invites to the references and automates reminders. We’ll keep you and your candidates in the loop.

Once references complete Searchlight once, they can share the data in the future. Most of the data is confidential, except for 1-2 questions that references can choose to make public.

of candidates will
happily do Searchlight
earlier in the hiring

References Submit Surveys

Over 90% submit within 24 hours, even on weekends.
They take our 10 minute survey online, web or mobile.

Submit within 24 hours

You receive a beautiful reference report

Searchlight quantifies the intangibles to deliver a standard that hiring managers can count on to make confident hiring decisions in less time.

See a sample report
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Hiring Manager NPS Score

Refer Searchlight, Receive $200

Get a $200 VISA gift card for every company that signs up for Searchlight. Send this message to your recruiting/HR leads:

I just provided a reference check for a prior colleague with Searchlight. Instead of playing phone tag and answering bad questions, I filled out a simple survey with great reference questions. The sample report shows rich behavioral data that can help us make sure we're hiring the right people. Can we bring Searchlight to our team?

See how Searchlight can find the right person forevery role

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